
I write... like, a lot.
A writer, contributor, and later becoming editor-in-chief of Women's Health Interactive and The Roots Of Loneliness Project, I spent a great deal of time immersed in topics relating to sex and sexuality (occasionally even reviewing adult products, a job perk!), along with relationships, loneliness, and mental health.
In 2024, I finally took the nudge the universe kept giving me and founded Dark Star Lit, an independent literary services business offering editing, coaching, consultation, and more.
A former cadre writer for BLUNTmoms and occasional purveyor of satirical writing for MockMom, I contributed to the anthologies “Only Trollops Shave Above the Knee” (April, 2015) and “Martinis & Motherhood – Tales of Wonder, Woe and WTF?!” (June, 2015), among others. An essayist for random websites that strike my fancy, I've had work published on the Cosmopolitan and Good Housekeeping websites.

I write from within...
Words are my greatest strength and I revel in weaving them together to tell an entertaining story, rouse laughter, offer reassurance, provide sympathy, or educate others. Sometimes I'll just say a bunch of them for a really, really, really long time — simply as a form of improv entertainment. When gathered 'round the dinner table, my family often comments that I can make any story last until the end of time so naturally, I take it on as a personal challenge. While much of my written work has involved comedy and satire (so much sarcasm runs through my veins that my blood is probably type S by now), I’m an aspiring novelist with a passion for writing in all forms.

I write without limits...
I don't adhere to one genre over another and my personal style knows no bounds. I particularly enjoy the challenge of taking on subjects I've never written about before or adopting a tone I don't always use. I approach it in a way that's similar to method acting, I think. When I'm writing humor, I channel that persona completely, cracking incessant quips (and probably driving my family crazy with them in the process). When I'm writing about a serious topic, I sit up a little bit straighter and my tone adjusts to that resonance, that cadence. It sounds goofy, I know... but it helps me to become that voice, if that makes sense?